Обращение WAS

Dear WAS Members,
We write to you today to urge you to support the inclusion of three key proposals for revisions to ICD-11; specifically, that there should be a chapter on Conditions Related to Sexual Health, and that diagnoses employed to facilitate transgender people’s access to gender affirming healthcare, Gender Incongruence, should be among those placed in this chapter. These proposals have been widely supported by those involved in sexual health, and more specifically in the provision of healthcare to transgender people.  As we approach the final year before the ICD-11’s anticipated approval, it has come to our attention that each of these proposals may now be under threat. Also, we call on WHO to consider further the proposed Gender Incongruence of Childhood diagnosis, including through comprehensive consultation with the transgender community.

We strongly support these proposals; however, we are deeply concerned that, in the absence of the proposed chapter, sexual and gender diagnoses will remain in the mental disorders section.  This would be a serious setback to our understanding of sexual health conditions.
Together with WPATH, we agreed on submitting a joint resolution with the following text:

“The World Association for Sexual Health and the World Professional Association for Transgender Health urge the World Health Organisation to remain fully committed to the inclusion of a chapter on Conditions Related to Sexual Health in ICD-11 in the version to be presented for approval at the World Health Assembly. We also urge WHO member states to support the proposed chapter.”
“The World Association for Sexual Health and the World Professional Association for Transgender Health urge the World Health Organisation to remain fully committed to locating the proposed diagnosis of Gender Incongruence of Adolescence and Adulthood within the chapter on Conditions Related to Sexual Health. We also urge member states to support the proposed placement.”
“The World Association for Sexual Health and the World Professional Association for Transgender Health calls on WHO to consider further the proposed Gender Incongruence of Childhood diagnosis, including through comprehensive consultation with the transgender community.“
To give our opinion the greatest impact, we hope you will spend a few moments to register your support today with WHO. Please click the following link to the ICD 11 Beta Website: http://apps.who.int/classifications/icd11/browse/l-m/en.
You will then be asked to register and create a login profile (http://apps.who.int/classifications/icd11/trainingvideos/) and finally add commentary (http://apps.who.int/classifications/icd11/trainingvideos/3rd%20video%20Comments%20and%20SAQs/3rd%20video%20Comments%20and%20SAQs.html).
In addition to adding some words of your own, we strongly recommend that you include the following three paragraphs:
We (I) urge the World Health Organisation to remain fully committed to the inclusion of a chapter on Conditions Related to Sexual Health in ICD-11 in the version to be presented for approval at the World Health Assembly. We also urge WHO member states to support the proposed chapter.”
We (I) urge the World Health Organisation to remain fully committed to locating the proposed diagnosis of Gender Incongruence of Adolescence and Adulthood within the chapter on Conditions Related to Sexual Health. We also urge member states to support the proposed placement.”
We (I) call on WHO to consider further the proposed Gender Incongruence of Childhood diagnosis, including through comprehensive consultation with the transgender community.“
The deadline for the comment period is June 30, 2017. We, therefore, encourage you to share this widely with your networks and support the proposed statements. Please take this action in support of sexual health before June 30, 2017.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Pedro Nobre
President of the World Association for Sexual Health

Below is a link to a recently published commentary which explains our position in more detail that was written by all of the Past Presidents of WAS: